About Us
We are small teams of talented professionals, each in their own field, who have decided to come together to federate a wide range of skills and experience around a common project:
Build with you, your most integrated habitat possible!
What We Offer
B2B / B2C
Creation of distribution networks for products and services integrating the customer (project leader) into the value chain. Standard bearer of biobased products of integrated design through network activities.
Research +
Groups of design offices, scientific research and experimental developments in Eco-construction. Energy performance. Project management. Biomimetic, Biobased and Bioclimatic.
Manufacturer networks
A network of manufacturers integrated around products and common IT tools. A common purchasing platform allowing to respond effectively to the profitability issues of factories but also participating in the issues of affordable and decent housing.
Looking for partners?
Meet partners who can help you and innovative companies in the construction industry. Take part in the important changes of the biobased, bioclimatic manufacturing sector.